Parallel Brass Concert – July 14 at 3pm
Great Music on the Morristown Green is honored to present the acclaimed Parallel Brass Quintet in concert at 3:00pm, Sunday, July 14th, 2024, at Morristown United Methodist Church.
Parallel Brass is a group of diverse musicians and music educators who possess a wide range of musical skills and expertise, including classical, jazz, Latin, and many other genres.
Founded in 2019, their members perform with renowned groups such as the Metropolitan Opera, Broadway, New Jersey Symphony, Norwalk Symphony, and Radio City Christmas Spectacular.
Parallel’s aim is to deliver inspiring performances and dynamic educational experiences, captivating audiences with a unique repertoire that showcases marginalized and underrepresented composers. Their July 14th concert will feature music for brass quintet by a wide array of composers, including Claude Debussy, Anthony DiLorenzo, Victor Ewald, Don Gillis, Eric Ewazen, and John Stevens.
Morristown United Methodist Church is Air Conditioned and Handicap Accessible.
For tickets and further information about the July 14th Parallel Brass Concert, please visit:
Tickets will also be available at the door prior to the concert.
Summer Services with the PCM!
This Sunday, July 14, we will host our friends from the Presbyterian Church for worship here at MUMC.
School Supply Drive
It feels like the dog days of summer, but our nourish.NJ is already planning for school supplies! We have committed to filling 10 backpacks with the necessary supplies to support local students in the upcoming school year. If we bulk purchase the supplies, we can fill all of the backpacks for about $75 each, so this year we are asking for monetary donations of any amount to purchase the supplies. Place your donation in the offering plate, marking “School Supply Drive” in the memo line, or make a donation through our online portal.
Food Pantry Summer Stock Up Challenge
So far this year, we’ve donated 1,875 lbs. of food to Interfaith Food Pantry! IFP has asked us to help them get their shelves stocked up this summer. Every two weeks, we’ll share with you focus items shared by IFP for us to collect.
Focus Items for July 8 – 21:
- 100% Juice 32 oz.
- Dry Milk (1-qt. package)
- Dried Beans
- Pasta/ Whole wheat Pasta
- Tea (100 count boxes)
- Baby Wipes
Planning Meeting for Sunday Morning Adult Education
We will have a planning meeting on Sunday, July 14 immediately after the worship service in the Wesley Room to plan for the upcoming program year. Anyone with an interest in study themes (as a participant or as a facilitator) is invited to join us for the meeting. Questions? Reach out to David Mitchell
Diversity Day