This Week
Sunday, October 8
Rooted and Reaching Sunday
9am | Adult Discipleship, WR
10:30am | Worship, Sanctuary & Livestream
11:30am | Ice Cream Social, FH
Monday, October 9
Church Office Closed – Indigenous People’s Day
7pm | AA, YL
7pm | Caregiver Support Group, WR
Tuesday, October 10
6:15pm | Trustees, Zoom
7pm | Pioneer Theater Rehearsal, FH
Wednesday, October 11
6pm | Dinner Church, FH
7pm | Confirmation, YL
7pm | Midweek Adult Discipleship, WR
7pm | Handbell Rehearsal, Sanctuary
Thursday, October 12
6:30pm | Yarners, Yarners Room (3rd Floor)
7pm | Chancel Choir Rehearsal, FH
7pm | Pioneer Theater Rehearsal, YL
Friday, October 13
2:00pm | Private Event Setup, FH
Saturday, October 14
10am – 4pm | Private Event 1st & 3rd Floor
Ministry Updates
Bring a Turkey to Church Sunday
Our 3rd Annual Bring a Turkey to Church Sunday is next Sunday, October 15, 2023! Help us stock Thanksgiving Food Baskets for Interfaith Food Pantry Network. The list of requested items is here on our website.
Caregivers Support Group
Are you (or have you recently been) in a caregiving role? Are you supporting a parent, partner, child, or friend through an illness or medical uncertainty and looking for a time to talk with others who share in the challenges of caregiving? MUMC’s Caregiver Support Group is here for you! The group, coordinated by Paula Michelsen, meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 7-8:30pm in the Wesley Room. They share experiences, resources, and challenges in an atmosphere of compassion. The group is not limited to Morristown UMC folk , so please let your friends and family know about this new ministry. Paula would be happy to share more about the group – you can reach her at The next gathering is tomorrow, Monday, October 9 at 7pm.
Spiritual Retreat
Morristown UMC is excited to share that we will have a churchwide Spiritual Retreat on November 17 and 18 at Loyola Retreat House in Morristown, NJ. Loyola Retreat House, Morristown. Our guide for the weekend will be Sr. Dr. Catherine Patrice, Spiritual Mentor.
The cost of $200 includes meals and lodging – you are strongly encouraged to spend the night at Loyola with us! To register, use our online form.
EarthAware Presentation
Next Sunday, October 15, EarthAware will be presenting another educational program on “What’s Happening to Our NJ Birds” by our own resident naturalist Rick Radis. The presentation will be in Fellowship Hall at 11:45 am. This program is open to the public and we will be serving a light lunch.
United Women in Faith Annual Greens Sale
The Annual UMW Greens Sale is here! The catalog has been uploaded to our website. The order deadline is October 29.
To Order:
Email your name & phone number, item number(s) & quantity – (example: 2 – W4 22” mixed greens wreath) to Jean will email you back to confirm your order. If your item(s) is Direct Delivery – you must also include the name and address of the recipient.
Make checks payable to MORRISTOWN UMW and either mail your payment to the church (attn: UWF Greens Sale) or drop it off at the office.
Sunday Morning Adult Education
The Sunday Morning Adult Education program has started a new program on Luke. David Mitchell is leading the study using materials from Adam Hamilton. This study will be for six weeks. Meet in the Wesley Room at 9am on Sunday mornings.
Celebrate Falloween!
On Saturday, October 21, United Women in Faith will be welcoming back Nashville singer songwriter Don Henry, for a Halloween multi-media show! This Grammy award winning songwriter will be performing music from his one-of-a-kind album “Falloween.” He will be joined by his longtime friend, Mike Moran, the “Falloween” album cover artist an award winning illustrator. Mike will be drawing along with each song in real time to add to the fun!
This program is meant to be family friendly and children under 12 will be admitted for free. Adults tickets will be $15.00. Childcare for very young children will be provided. Purchase tickets on our EventBrite page.