Important Notes for Upcoming Weeks at MUMC
- The church office is CLOSED from July 2-July 16. If you have an urgent need or emergency, leave a message on the church voicemail; we have someone checking for those messages and someone will get back to you ASAP.
- Pastor Luana is away serving on ASP through July 8. Rev. Jeff Markay will be covering for pastoral emergencies. Leave a message on the church voicemail and someone will connect you to Rev. Markay.
Food Pantry Challenge for June and July
Hunger doesn’t take a summer break, so our challenge for June and July is Summer Breakfast and Lunch. Help us keep pantries stocked for families who cannot rely on school meal programs through the summer. MUMC has set a goal of donating 3,000lbs. by Thanksgiving 2023. Through June 1, we’ve donated 1628 lbs. of food to Interfaith Food Pantry!
Recommended Items
Peanut Butter – 15-18oz. size
Boxes of Cereal
Parmalat and Dry Milk
Boxes of Mac and Cheese
Canned Fruit
100% Fruit juice (32 oz. preferred)
Tuna Fish
Canned Meals like Ravioli
Baby Food (Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3)
Healthy Snacks (i.e. Belvita Breakfast Biscuits, Granola Bars, Wheat Thins, Ritz Crackers)
School Supply Drive
This summer we will once again be collecting donations for school supplies for nourish.NJ clients. We have committed to filling 16 backpacks! To donate backpacks and the supplies to fill them, use this form. Donated items should be returned to the church by July 16 so we have time to pack everything and bring them to nourish.NJ by August 1.)
Monetary contributions are also gratefully accepted. The total cost for each filled backpack is $115. Put “school supply drive” in the memo line of your check (you can place it in the offering plate or mail it to the church) or give online, choosing “school supply drive” in the dropdown menu.
Habitat for Humanity
There is a Habitat for Humanity work day scheduled on Saturday, July 22. Tom Roberts is our Habitat for Humanity coordinator. Contact Tom via his email at if you’d like to join the team!
EarthAware presents “What’s Happening to our NJ Birds?” with Naturalist Rick Radis
On Sunday, July 23, EarthAware welcomes our resident Naturalist, Rick Radis, for an educational program on NJ birds and how they are being affected by climate change. The presentation will begin at 11:45am and a light lunch will be provided.
Fall Walk to Emmaus Dates Announced
Walk to Emmaus is a three-day experience which takes a New Testament look at Christianity as a lifestyle. It is a highly structured weekend designed to strengthen and renew the faith of Christian people, and through them their families, congregations and the world in which they live. Emmaus is a combined effort of laity and clergy toward the renewal of the church. Many people connected to Morristown UMC have participated in Walks and count their Walks as pivotal moments in their lives. This fall, there are two opportunities for Walks:
MEN’S WALK #50 – September 14- 17 at Sacred Heart Retreat Center
WOMEN’S WALK #50 – September 21-24 at Sacred Heart Retreat Center.
There will be an orientation gathering for anyone interested in learning more about Walk to Emmaus on Sunday, July 16 at 11:45am in the Wesley Room. A light lunch will be provided.
This Month at Morristown UMC
July 1-8 – Pastor Luana serving at ASP.
July 2-16 – Church Office Closed.
Sunday, July 2
10:30am | Worship, Sanctuary & Livestream
11:30am | Fellowship Coffee Hour, Fellowship Hall
Monday, July 3
9:30am Breakfast Bags
7pm | AA, Youth Lounge
Sunday, July 9
10:30am | Worship, Sanctuary & Livestream
11:30am | Fellowship Coffee Hour, Fellowship Hall
1pm | Diversity Celebration Interfaith Service – on the Green
Monday, July 10
7pm | Caregiver Support Group, Wesley Room
7pm | AA, Youth Lounge
Tuesday, July 11
6:15pm | Trustees, Zoom
Thursday, July 13
6:30pm | Yarners
Saturday, July 15
10am | Children on the Green Family Day
Sunday, July 16
10:30am | Worship, Sanctuary & Livestream
11:30am | Fellowship Coffee Hour, Fellowship Hall
11:45am | Walk to Emmaus Information Gathering, Wesley Room
Monday, July 17
7pm | AA, Youth Lounge
7:30pm | Worship Committee, Zoom
Monday, July 18
7pm | Church Council, Zoom
Saturday, July 22
Habitat for Humanity
8am | Walk to Emmaus Training
Sunday, July 23
10:30am | Worship, Sanctuary & Livestream
11:30am | Fellowship Coffee Hour, Fellowship Hall
11:45am | EarthAware presents “What’s Happening to our NJ Birds?” with Naturalist Rick Radis, Fellowship Hall
Monday, July 24
7pm | Caregiver Support Group, Wesley Room
Thursday, July 27
6:30pm | Yarners