Ministry Updates for December 8, 2023

This Week @ MUMC

Sunday, December 10

9am | Adult Discipleship, WR

10:30am | Worship, Sanctuary & Livestream

11:30am | Fellowship Coffee Hour, WR

Monday, December 11

7pm | AA, YL

7pm | Caregiver Support Group, WR

Tuesday, December 12

6:15pm | Trustees, Zoom

7:30pm | Finance Team, Zoom

Wednesday, December 13

6pm | Dinner Church Christmas Dinner & Class Party

7pm | Handbells, FH

Thursday, December 14

12pm | Christmas Singers Concert

7pm | Chancel Choir Rehearsal, MR

6:30pm | Yarners

Saturday, December 16

3pm | Tuba Christmas (on the Green)

Sunday, December 17

9am | Adult Discipleship, WR

10:30am | Worship, Sanctuary & Livestream

11:30am | Fellowship Coffee Hour, WR

Sunday Morning Advent Study for Adults

Through Advent we’ve been exploring the stories of characters we know are part of the Christmas story, but never really get a chance to dig into. We’ve had some great conversations about Zechariah, the Magi, and King Herod the Great. Next week for the final week of the study, we’re talking about the shepherds. Come explore their story with us next Sunday at 9am in the Wesley Room.

Christmas Poinsettias

Order forms for Christmas Poinsettias to honor loved ones and help decorate our church for the Christmas Eve service are available at the welcome station and on our website.

Online form for Poinsettia orders (gives you the option to pay by debit or credit card if you would like)

Poinsettia Order Form 2023 – PDF copy of Poinsettia Order Form which you can print and mail to the church with payment

Deadline for ordering is Sunday, December 17.

ADVENTure in Giving

Our annual ADVENTure in Giving project, providing opportunities for alternative gift giving for the holidays is here! Look for the table in Fellowship Hall over the next few Sundays. The brochure is also available online to print and return to the office. We have a card that shows your gift –  let the church office ( know you need a hard copy and we’ll be happy to mail it to you.

ADVENTure Brochure 2023 for ordering

Dinner Church

Dinner Church will meet this Wednesday, December 13 at 6pm, for a Christmas Dinner, followed by Confirmation and the Mid-Week Adult group at 7pm.

Reverse Advent Calendar

A Reverse Advent calendar is where you give instead of receive. We encourage everyone to collect a food item each day of Advent to support of the Interfaith Food Pantry. Copies of the list are available at the Welcome Desk and online.

Reverse Advent Calendar Handouts

Bring your collected items to church on Christmas Eve!

The Christmas Singers Concert

Morristown UMC is excited to once again host The Christmas Singers on Thursday, December 14 at 12 Noon. Celebrate the season with our long-time friends and the music we all love.

In lieu of an admission fee, we are asking each person to bring a non-perishable food item which will be donated to Interfaith Food Pantry.

Suggested Items
(based on current needs from IFP)

Soup – condensed and hearty
Peanut Butter – 15-18 oz
Shelf Stable Milk (Parmalat)
Crushed Canned Tomatoes
Canned Tomato Sauce
Canned Whole Tomatoes

Caregivers Support Group

Meets Monday, December 11at 7pm, Wesley Room

For many the holiday season gives rise to stress, frustration and anger, instead of peace and good will. Let’s get together in this safe, supportive space to talk and maybe even discover new tools to manage in a slightly different way.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Paula Michelsen via

Annual Giving Campaign

Invitations to share your 2024 Giving Intention for our operating budget for 2024 have been mailed. We’ve included a narrative budget as well as a giving intention form.Extra copies of the narrative budget package are available at the Welcome Desk, and on our website. Once you’ve discerned how you will give to MUMC in 2024, please complete the Giving Intention form and return it to the church office. You can place it in the offering plate, mail it, or drop it off. On Sunday, December 17, the Fourth Sunday of Advent, we’ll bless these Giving Intentions during worship.
One more thing – we always appreciate “unplanned donations” but we really appreciate receiving the completed Giving Intention forms because it will help us properly plan our ministries in 2024. Thank you for your continued faithful generosity for our church!

Word for the Weary Service

Thursday, December 21 at 6pm

For those who have experienced loss, the joy of the holiday season can often feel elusive and out of reach. If this is your experience then the Word for the Weary service is for you. Bring your grief. Bring your weariness. Bring your fatigue, and allow yourself a quiet space to reflect and draw near to God. May we find peace in our journey.

A light meal will be provided after the service and all are invited (but not required) to share in the meal in the company of one another.