Lent 2024 at Morristown UMC

Lent Begins with Ash Wednesday on February 14

Our Lenten Theme is Wandering Heart – Figuring Out Faith with Peter

This Lent, we are focusing on the life and faith of one of Jesus’ most famous disciples. In Peter, we see a person who is both steadfast and unsteady, a dear friend and a betrayer, a follower and a wanderer. In Peter, we often see ourselves. By following Peter’s journey, we watch the story of Jesus unfold through the eyes of a very normal human trying to figure it all out—just like us.

The lyrics of “Come Thou Fount” will follow us through Lent. As we examine Peter’s faith journey, it’s as if Peter himself wrote this song. And so, for each step in Peter’s journey, we will focus on a phrase from this hymn. As we follow Peter’s story, we will sing our way through Lent, binding our wandering hearts to God. Ultimately, in Peter’s story, we are reminded that God loves imperfect people—in fact, time and again, that’s precisely who God claims and calls.

This Lent, we’re joining Peter in figuring out faith. We’re not idolizing or vilifying him; instead, we’re hoping to wander alongside him, open to what we might learn about Jesus (and ourselves) by stepping in his shoes.

Ash Wednesday

Ashes and Lenten Blessings

Noon – 12:30pm

In Front of the Church



Opportunities for Lenten Prayer and Study

Brown Bag Bible Study led by Pastor Luana

Thursdays at 6pm in the Wesley Room

starting February 15

Sunday Morning Adult Discipleship

A study of Hebrews led by David Mitchell

Sundays at 9am in the Wesley Room

starting February 11

Daily Prayer Cards

Wandering Heart Daily Prayer Cards available upon request and printed just for you! A collection of 62 daily devotional cards for Ash Wednesday through the second week of Easter. Each card has a weekly centering practice, a question for reflection, and a short prayer.

Weekly Devotional

Beginning with Ash Wednesday, this weekly devotional follows the scriptures of the Wandering Heart series through the Second Sunday of Easter. Each week offers: commentary, poetry, visual art, written reflections, hymns, and reflection prompts. Limited number will be printed.

Email RHeater@MorristownUMC.org and request a copy!

Sunday Worship Themes

February 18, First Sunday in Lent

Tune My Heart

February 25, Second Sunday in Lent

Jesus Sought Me

 March 3, Third Sunday in Lent

Rescue Me From Danger

Fourth Sunday in Lent, March 10

Praise the Mount

Fifth Sunday in Lent, March 17

Teach Me