Halloween Organ Concert

Great Music on the Morristown Green is honored to present a Halloween Organ Concert, featuring Organist Jennifer Yang, at 6:30pm, Thursday, October 31, 2024.

Jennifer will play Johann Sebastian Bach’s immortal Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565, one of the best known and most beloved works in the organ repertoire.

Jennifer shared some thoughts on playing this classic peace on Halloween night:

Bach’s “Toccata and Fugue in D minor” is beloved for several reasons. It starts with a powerful, attention-grabbing toccata that showcases the organ’s range and dynamics, creating an immediate sense of drama. The fugue highlights Bach’s mastery of counterpoint and composition, with intricate melodies that engage both musicians and listeners intellectually.

The music evokes a wide array of emotions, from grandeur to melancholy, allowing for a deep connection with the audience. Its frequent use in films, television, and popular culture has solidified its status as a symbol of the classical or gothic aesthetic, often associated with mystery or horror.

As an organist, I find it to be a significant challenge that truly highlights the skills and virtuosity required to perform it, making it a staple in concerts and performances.

We encourage you to join us to watch Jennifer’s hands and feet dance across three keyboards and pedal board and feel the vibrations of our mighty Austin pipe organ’s roar.

This family-friendly, 10-minute concert is free and open to all; no tickets are required.

Morristown United Methodist Church is ADA-accessible.