How does a weary world rejoice? An Advent series in Luke’s Gospel is our worship theme through Advent. We’ll follow the stories of Elizabeth & Zechariah, Mary & Elizabeth, Mary & Joseph through preaching, liturgy, art, music and fellowship. The logo features two people, one radiating joy & the other wading into weariness, holding the […]
Jack Scharf and Regina Heater will facilitate this four-week Advent study focusing on the experiences of four sets of often overlooked characters in the Nativity story. In “An Unlikely Advent”, Rachel Billups guides readers through the themes of hope, love, joy, and peace by sharing the stories of Elizabeth and Zechariah, Herod, the Magi, and […]
Join us in-person at or via the livestream on our website for worship at 10:30am. In-person in the Sanctuary at 50 S. Park Place, Morristown, NJ or online on our website, Facebook and YouTube at 10:30am ET. If you miss the livestream, check back for the recorded version on any of the above links. Worship bulletins are posted […]
Children age 3-10 are invited to join our Sunday School each Sunday morning. Gather in the Sanctuary for the Story of the Week, then head to the Prayground for activities designed to help children learn the stories of our faith in a positive, creative, and affirming ways.
This AA meeting is a Step meeting and it is an open meeting – all are welcome! The meeting is in the Fellowship Hall on the 1st Floor of the church building.
Are you (or have you recently been) in a caregiving role? Are you supporting a parent, partner, child, or friend through an illness or medical uncertainty and looking for a time to talk with others who share in the challenges of caregiving? Join us for our Caregivers Support Group. The group meets on the 2nd […]
We’ll be singing, eating, praying, and growing in our faith together. Dinner starts at 6pm in Fellowship Hall. After dinner, stick around for different opportunities to connect with others. Handbell Choir Midweek Adult Small Group Confirmation Class led by Pastor Luana November 29 - Dinner, Confirmation, and Adult Class will meet. December 6 - Dinner, […]
For more information, contact John Liepold, Director of Music Ministries at
Morristown UMC is excited to once again host The Christmas Singers on Thursday, December 14 at 12 Noon. Celebrate the season with our long-time friends and the music we all love. In lieu of an admission fee, we are asking each person to bring a non-perishable food item which will be donated to Interfaith Food […]
MUMC Yarners meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 6:30pm in the Yarners room on the third floor of the church building. We knit and crochet but mostly just have fellowship with each other. Teaching is available if you need help and we have lots of supplies - yarn, needles, hooks, etc.
Our choir rehearses on Thursday evenings at 7pmET in the Music Room on the 2nd floor of the church building. Interested in joining us? Let our Director of Music Ministries, John Liepold know!